Sarah Gatsby

Operations Associate

Meet Sarah

Sarah Gatsby is an Operations Associate based in Irvine, California.

Sarah enjoys her role as a Operations Associate at Applied Financial Planning and strives to assist the team in helping clients preserve their hard-earned assets and pursue their retirement goals. 

Sarah moved from France to California in 2013 to pursue her Master’s in Business 

Administration followed by her Doctorate degree with an emphasis in Finance, Mergers, and Acquisitions. She boasts an impressive history of experience within the world of finance, mergers and acquisitions and co-authored a few publications about financial markets and management topics. 

Sarah also stays busy outside of work with swimming, traveling and going to concerts. She grew up speaking three languages since she was born in Algiers (formerly a French colony) and lived in France for many years. 


Applied Financial Planning

 100 Pacifica Suite 400
Irvine, CA 92618
(800) 452-5264