
Life Balance: Does it Really Exist?

Published by Teresa Milner I have so much to do today – I’m so busy – if I multitask, I can get it all done – hmmmmmmm, I need to be at 2 functions tonight at the same time – the school just called and my daughter is sick, ugh…. How can I get all my …

Toss the Idea of Vacation and Embrace`Busy with Balance’

Published by Omani Carson When I first started my business, my wife Jeanie and I would usually schedule a week of vacation to have fun with the kids. I’d work my tail off to get caught up before we went. I was exhausted by the time we got there and was under pressure to have a …

Protecting Minor Children with Estate Planning

Published by Beth Schanou A current estate plan is important to have in place for senior citizens.  This planning is just as vital for parents of minor children for two important reasons:  naming a guardian and arranging for the management of the children’s inheritance.

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

As investment analysts we always need to be aware of the current market environment and its impact on companies in our coverage lists. At times these factors can be easy to spot; however, this is not always the case.

Relax, Reflect, and Roll On

Published by: Rob Furlong I recently celebrated a milestone birthday doing one of my favorite things in one of my favorite places: riding my bike in the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado.

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