Life Balance: Does it Really Exist?

Published by Teresa Milner I have so much to do today – I’m so busy – if I multitask, I can get it all done – hmmmmmmm, I need to be at 2 functions tonight at the same time – the school just called and my daughter is sick, ugh…. How can I get all my …

Toss the Idea of Vacation and Embrace`Busy with Balance’

Published by Omani Carson When I first started my business, my wife Jeanie and I would usually schedule a week of vacation to have fun with the kids. I’d work my tail off to get caught up before we went. I was exhausted by the time we got there and was under pressure to have a …

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

As investment analysts we always need to be aware of the current market environment and its impact on companies in our coverage lists. At times these factors can be easy to spot; however, this is not always the case.

What are Robo-Advisors?

Published by Don Hagan First and foremost, Robo-Advisors are not advisors at all. This is once again another example of a Wall Street marketing ruse designed to mislead the public into believing they will receive individual attention, help when they need it and optimal risk-managed portfolio design.

Choosing the Right Finance App for You

Published by Andrew Rogers As technology and mobile applications continue to work their way into everyday life, there are numerous budgeting, investing and financial mobile apps whose increasing popularity has sparked an online debate over which app is best to meet your personal needs.

If It Walks Like a Duck and Talks Like a Duck, It Might Be a Bargain

Published by Rob Furlong A couple weeks ago, Heisman trophy winner Marcus Mariota led his team, the University of Oregon Ducks, to the National Championship game. During his three years as the team’s starting quarterback, he has accumulated impressive stats culminating in a senior year wher …

Rising Interest Rates & Financial Stocks

Rising interest rates have many implications for the economy and therefore the stock market. Many feel the Fed will begin increasing the Fed Funds Rate – the rate at which banks lend to each other, sometime this year. On a standalone basis, rising rates have the potential to be very benefic …

Is your Legacy in a Dynasty…Trust?

Published by Mark Petersen Many people struggle with determining how much inheritance to leave their children and future generations. As Wealth Planners, we often here the goal, “I want to leave enough wealth to my children to provide them with opportunity. However, I do not want to leave t …

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