4 Insights on Appropriate Diversification

Published by Jake Bleicher and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee One of the classic axioms of investing is diversify, diversify and diversify. It is a practical way of minimizing exposure to the potential downfalls of any single investment. In other words, don’t place all of yo …

A True Wealth Moment

Have you ever had a moment when it seems like time stops for a second and you say to yourself, “wow…this is awesome”, or you have a wave of happiness and the feeling of being very grateful for life? I define these times as True Wealth moments.

What True Wealth Means to Me

Published by Mark Lookabill, Wealth Advisor I was reminded this past week of what really embodies “True Wealth.”

Are Your Customers Ready to “Brexit”?

Published by Omani Carson The U.K.’s dramatic vote to leave the EU was a powerful signal to every business leader: If you are not providing value beyond a doubt, you’re in trouble.

Using Rationale While Investing

Published by Jake Bleicher and the Carson Wealth Investment Committee A strategic wealth management plan often focuses on investment allocation. Empirical evidence suggests that asset allocation explains 91.5% of return variation over time (Brinson, Singer & Beebower 1991). By that logi …

What My 10 Year Old’s Soccer Team Taught Me about Planning

Published by Paul West | @PaulWestCoach I’ve been a working financial professional for 19 years. I’ve traveled a good amount of that time all across the U.S.; I’ve never freed up my schedule to commit to be a coach for my kid’s activities. This year was different. I agreed to help coach my …

Your Financial Diagnosis

For many, logic says, “I need help with my finances, so I’ll hire a financial advisor.” I believe this is why there are various financial advisors that set up shop in convenient areas and make it very easy to open up investment accounts.

Financial Spring Cleaning – Getting Your House in Order

Published by Teresa Milner The snow has melted away outdoors, neighbors are cleaning up their yards/gardens and you’ve discovered that dust has settled in many areas of your house. While these areas deserve your time and attention to rid them of grime build up, it’s also a good time to chec …

A Victory for Trust, Transparency and Accountability

Published by Omani Carson | @RCHusker Many financial advisors are worried about the new Department of Labor (DOL) rule requiring them to put their clients’ interests above their own financial gain when offering individual retirement advice. One big concern is that compliance will be burdens …

Are You Picking Up Your Pebbles?

With the New Year approaching, many like to spend time reflecting on past successes, failures, new experiences and gained knowledge, as well as planning for the year to come. As a part of my own reflection, I enjoy reading the following parable…

Time, Talent and Treasure; Giving Thanks!

Published by Mark Petersen I saw a report on the morning news about how an iPhone changed the life of a boy with Spina Bifida.  Typing into the phone he is able to communicate his thoughts for the first time.  This coming on the heels of the Second Terrorist attack in Paris, France in less …

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