Financial Spring Cleaning – Getting Your House in Order
Published by Teresa Milner The snow has melted away outdoors, neighbors are cleaning up their yards/gardens and you’ve discovered that dust has settled in many areas of your house. While these areas deserve your time and attention to rid them of grime build up, it’s also a good time to chec …
A Victory for Trust, Transparency and Accountability
Published by Omani Carson | @RCHusker Many financial advisors are worried about the new Department of Labor (DOL) rule requiring them to put their clients’ interests above their own financial gain when offering individual retirement advice. One big concern is that compliance will be burdens …
Common Questions: Wills v. Trusts
It can be a confusing process for the uninitiated when it comes to estate planning. Do I need a will or a trust? What is a trust? What is probate? What will happen to my assets when I die?
529 Plans & Taxes
Published by Mark Lookabill | @LookabillMark It is hard to believe that the 529 Plan is now 20 years old. I often receive the question, “Is a 529 Plan tax deductible?” Over the last two decades, the 529 Plan tax benefit has helped a number of taxpayers absorb some of the costs for college. …
Having the Conversation
The only thing worse than having a conversation about long-term care is not having a conversation about long-term care. A close friend of mine is currently faced with this issue as he grapples with his mom’s recovery from a recent medical incident.
Are You a Conservative Investor?
Published by Jake Bleicher and Omani Carson Conservative investments are often associated with lower portfolio expected returns. The investment community has been indoctrinated with the notion that risk and return are correlated in a linear function.
Why You Should Know Your Family Index Number
Published by Paul West You can’t get to your destination if you don’t know where you are going. What is asset management? When you think about asset management, most people immediately think it’s all about how a wealth advisor invests your money.
Achieving True Wealth
When I think about True Wealth, I picture myself towards the end of my life looking back. I know that I really have reached True Wealth when I can be at peace with my life.
Win the Game of Life (Insurance)
Life insurance is one of the most versatile financial assets available to us. Few solutions carry as many tax advantages, may be used in as wide a variety of situations, and come at such a range of cost. We do not get this variety of applications without a wide array of policy options avail …
12 Grapes for New Year’s Eve
What I will do is turn those wishes into something more; firm decisions to do something. I like to keep my resolutions as actions “to do” instead of “what not to do.” After many years of resolving to stop eating sweets, I have realized cookies will always be my downfall.
Are You Picking Up Your Pebbles?
With the New Year approaching, many like to spend time reflecting on past successes, failures, new experiences and gained knowledge, as well as planning for the year to come. As a part of my own reflection, I enjoy reading the following parable…