Seven Financial Actions to Consider Before 2017

Published by Scott Ford The last months of the year are always hectic due to the holidays, end-of-the-year projects at work, and, in terms of this year, a heated presidential election. While you likely have plenty on your plate, don’t neglect your financial strategies. Review these seven ac …

Year End Tax Tips

Published by Mark Lookabill It’s not too late! Before the clock strikes midnight on January 31, you still have time to potentially take some steps to lower your 2016 taxes. Here are six of my end of year tax tips:

Unintended Consequences of a Minor Child as Beneficiary

Published by Beth Schanou, Director of Wealth and Estate Planning When you hear “estate planning,” what comes to mind?  Some of the things that come to mind for many are the need to work with an estate planning attorney and having long, hard to read documents drafted. That is part of it. Th …

Earlier is Better

Anyone who understands the time value of money understands that when it comes to investing, earlier is better. And yes, anyone would encourage you to the fullest of their ability to invest as soon as you can. But how do we invest early?

Uncertainty and Change

Published By: Mark Petersen | LinkedIn We live in a world of uncertainty! On November 8, 2016 most Americans thought they knew who the President-Elect would be. After all, we were informed by pollsters leading up to the Presidential election who was leading and the probable outcome. Many we …

KPIs Run Amok

Published By: Omani Carson | @rchusker In business, what gets measured gets done. That is why so many businesses set up key performance indicators (KPIs). So why did creating sales targets go so wrong for Wells Fargo, bring down CEO John Stumpf and lead to the bank’s $190 million settlement …

4 Insights on Appropriate Diversification

Published by Jake Bleicher and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee One of the classic axioms of investing is diversify, diversify and diversify. It is a practical way of minimizing exposure to the potential downfalls of any single investment. In other words, don’t place all of yo …

Diversification: Risk and Reward

Published by Brett Carson, Director of Research, and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee Diversification is a cornerstone of portfolio risk management. In short, investors should spread capital among various assets to attempt to reduce volatility and avoid being wiped out by one …

What Does True Wealth Mean to Me?

Published by Michele Schreck | Connect with Michele on LinkedIn Around the office at Carson Wealth, you may often hear Omani Carson describe True Wealth as “all the things that money can’t buy and death can’t take away.”  

Decisions & Abundance

Not following through is a decision, but it is a decision which leads us away from the life we want. In contrast, making decisions and following through with those choices, as hard as they are, is the reason certain people have the life they want.

Be a Math Teacher and Prepare Your Clients for Success

One of the basic tenets of the financial markets that all investors need to embrace is the fact that gains and losses are asymmetrical.

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