The Roadmap to Student Debt: Saving or Paying your Path to a Successful Future
Once upon a time, I walked into an educational institution wearing cargo shorts and carrying a pen, one hundred dollars and a whole lot of excitement. Four years later, I walked across a stage carrying a diploma, intelligence, confidence and a whole lot of debt. Many people lie in bed each …
How Do I Teach My Teen to Save Money?
Published by Teresa Milner Calling all parents of teenagers – Let’s be proactive and teach our teens to NOT follow the majority of Americans when it comes to saving! We can teach our teenagers to be managers of their money and learn effective money skills. Over 10.4 million people are …
Potential Impact of the Trump Tax Proposals
Published by Mark Petersen and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee Every new administration in Washington D.C. has an agenda which results from the November election results. Candidates have talking points on the campaign trail. The winner believes that he or she has a ‘mandate’ …
Five Things U.S. Investors Should Remember when Analyzing the Sunday’s French Elections
Published by Scott Kubie, Senior Investment Strategist The French elections starting on April 23 are the biggest market moving political event until the recently called British elections. Below are five things to keep in mind that may prevent you from overreacting to a negative outcome in round one:
Glad I Did vs Wish I Had
Published by Paul West We’ve all been there. Something we wanted to do in our lives we let time go by and we missed it. Family trip. Drink with a friend. Kid’s school program. Why does this happen? It’s simple. I’ve experienced it too. We end up always trying to do too much.
Why Work With CFP®?
“Finances” doesn’t mean just one thing for most Americans and “Financial Planning” means much more than just investing. Bringing all the pieces of your financial journey together is a challenging task. With many moving parts in each individual’s/family’s financial life, there can be differe …
What’s Your Spending Kryptonite?
Published by Minna Burns I like to clean. As I’m scouring my kitchen and reach for a paper towel, I discover the roll is empty. No problem, I think; I’ll run to the store and get more. I pass my local supermarket but I keep driving. I pull into the parking lot of another store …
What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You
Published by Teresa Milner, Wealth Advisor Ladies, let’s talk about money. Are you comfortable discussing money? Do you shy away from a conversation regarding your money because you feel you’re not smart enough to talk about it? Do you lack the confidence to discuss money matter …
Investment Banking & Asset Management: What’s the Difference?
To avoid the common confusion that lies between investment banking and asset management, let’s first look at what each of these fields truly is.
The True Value of a Financial Advisor
As an advisor, we get tasked with the burden of proof as to why someone should pay us to give them advice. If clients can do it all themselves or hire a computer to invest, what is the true value of having a financial advisor? Is it really worth it?
How Will You Measure Financial Goals in 2017?
Published By Omani Carson This is the time of year when many of us make resolutions and set big goals. Unfortunately, the promises we make to ourselves often get broken. Why? Many of us take the DIY approach, start out with great enthusiasm and, as life brings interruptions, gradually lose …