Teaching Your Kids About History

Published by Paul West Do you remember when your parents forced you to do something you didn’t want to do? Go to a museum; take a long Sunday drive to see where they grew up; etc. It seemed painful then; however, if you could have the chance, wouldn’t you not blink an eye if asked …

Glad I Did vs Wish I Had

Published by Paul West We’ve all been there. Something we wanted to do in our lives we let time go by and we missed it. Family trip. Drink with a friend. Kid’s school program. Why does this happen? It’s simple. I’ve experienced it too. We end up always trying to do too much.

What My 10 Year Old’s Soccer Team Taught Me about Planning

Published by Paul West | @PaulWestCoach I’ve been a working financial professional for 19 years. I’ve traveled a good amount of that time all across the U.S.; I’ve never freed up my schedule to commit to be a coach for my kid’s activities. This year was different. I agreed to help coach my …

Why You Should Know Your Family Index Number

Published by Paul West You can’t get to your destination if you don’t know where you are going. What is asset management? When you think about asset management, most people immediately think it’s all about how a wealth advisor invests your money.

5 Ways To Make It Easy

Published by Paul West I was listening to the great Eagles song, Take it Easy, on iTunes Radio recently. The song made me reflect and think about what clients want to feel from the services provided by their Wealth Advisor and advisory firm.

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